James Lipton gör imaginär utfrågning av mig.
Gå nu in med tanken att detta är James Lipton som ställer mig frågorna. Detta är en imaginär intervju.
James Lipton: - Hi, I'm James Lipton. Welcome to this special mini-episode of Inside the actors studio with the much talented and up coming actor, bloger and writer Mr. Fredrik Stengarn!
Jag: - Hi! Oh my god, this is so cool. I have dreamt about this since I was a kid.
- Well, it's not a dream anymore. Let's begin right away... You're a bloger... how's that going for you?
- Great, I have... some readers hehe. Well, I have started cheating now, James.. I don't blog as often as I used to. I blame my twitter. It's my mistress!
- Yea, I was getting to that.. You're such a good bloger, and yet you suite for micro bloging, such as Twitter?
- Yea, I'm an information junkie. Everything new in information, I must try it!
- So it seems... What about you're up coming book?
- What about it?
- Touché. It seems interesting, tell us about it, please.
- Of course, it's about my childhood and my way to where I am today. I'm so greatfull for what I've got. Truely are.
- I have read it. And I must say that I was supprised that you at this young age can write with such security and so called "know how". So dont miss Fredriks book "Fredrik - me journey from a swedish small town to New York City". Great book.
- You're to kind James. Much to kind.
- And everyone has a copy of the book under thire chairs!
*Crowd goes wild*
- Now, we have to round off. I have ten questions for you Fredrik. Are you ready?
- Shoot!
- What is your favorite word?
- Magical. A fantastic word.
- What is your least favorite word?
- Ok. Such a dull word.
- What turns you on [creatively, spiritually or emotionally]?
- Bruce Springsteen singing about hope. Of course.
- What turns you off?
- I would say the commercial about diarrhea.
- What is your favorite curse word?
- Fuck. You can use it in so many ways...
- What sound or noise do you love?
- When you pour any kind of beverage into a glass filled with ice cubes, you get that lovley cracking sound from the ice cubes.
- What sound or noise do you hate?
- The sound of phones. Hate it.
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
- Journalist.
- What profession would you not like to do?
- Oh probably taxi driver. Or any kind of driving job acctually.
- If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
- IF it exists I would love for him to say; Hey, heres a bottle of whiskey, join in!
- It was a pleasure having you Fredrik. Such a cool, smart and brilliant actor.
- No, thank You for having me! It's been an honor.
- See you next week, when we'll have Mickey Rourke here. Don't miss it. But give it up one last time for Fredrik Stengarn everybody!
*Crowd goes crazy*